Event Listings

2539 events found

The Spirit of Youth

Future stars shine bright at DFP with the MPYO poised to take the stage! Join…

Chapter 16: Ensembles Assemble!

The Selangor Philharmonic Orchestra is back again with its Chapter 16 concert series: Ensembles Assemble!…

Satu Suara (Edisi Hari Merdeka) with KLSings

Join us for KLSing’s Satu Suara (“One Voice”) Edisi Hari Merdeka this 31 August 2019…

Kuala Lumpur / Pemacu Api Tour 2019

Peminat muzik sekalian! Jom saksikan tour pertama Toko Kilat bersama Noh Salleh yang akan bermula…

Aaron Teoh & WVC

Back for a short break in between touring cities with the King & I alongside…

International Symposium on Arts, Culture & Community Engagement

Convener and Organiser: Cultural Centre, University of Malaya, in collaboration with the National Department for…

Hannan Azlan presents: sad songs

Hannan Azlan has won award and been featured on Aussie TV for his work in…

Teater : TANGGA

Sempena Gelanggang Teater (II) Kotaseni PJ 2019 Anjuran MBPJ dgn kerjasama Majlis Teater Selangor (MTS)…

SIAPA presents Merdeka Workshop Series 1.0

SIAPA aka School of Improvisation, Acting and Puppetry Arts presents MERDEKA WORKSHOP SERIES 1.0. KIDS…

Puteri Gunung Ledang: Penolakan Dalam Penerimaan

Movie Animation Park Studios (MAPS) Perak mempersembahkan sebuah pementasan teater muzikal Puteri Gunung Ledang: Penolakan…

众鼓歌 2.0 LAGUku 2.0

“我的生活是一曲交响乐,我还以为我是那唯一的指挥家。” 人。车。楼。 很多的人。很塞的車。很高的楼。 光。暗。 失焦的光。专注的暗。 城市,喧囂,是一场永不停歇的巨型演奏會,人人都是指挥家,交互奏起自己的命运交响曲。有些人照着乐谱老实指挥,有些人迷失在音符里,有些人找不着谱,有些人完全不靠谱。 你的命运交响曲,你是那唯一的指挥家嗎? 《众鼓歌2.0》是人人人鼓剧场的第五号公演作品,持续以敲击乐為主调,結合多种表演元素,把生活观察与态度转化为视听飨宴。距前作《众鼓歌》已有四年,主创者依然紧抓那些在繁華城市里潜隐的孤独不放,要在它們身上敲打出個所以然,就算過於喧囂。 这一次,人人人蓄积了更多的创作与表演能量,要把城市草根的生活图景,纳进交响乐的结构里,奏出偶尔拍子稳健,偶尔荒腔走板,很这个城市的《众鼓歌 2.0》 “My life is a symphony.…

Matahari Jangan Tidure, Nanti Hilang Belang

The hum of a broken television. An inevitable speech. The last ray of sunlight. Kiamat?…