313 events found, show 2226 more.
In conjunction with the 10th Anniversary of Lantera Seni Venture’s journey in the arts and…
Two people meet in a clearing in the rainforest. One reeks of danger, the other…
PENGENALAN RESAM merupakan Projek Tahun Akhir bagi 3 orang pelajar Ijazah Sarjana Muda (kepujian) Teater…
Our P.Ramlee Show is back once again ‼️✨🔥 P.Ramlee – One In A Million II,…
Saksikan bagaimana sesebuah perasaan yang timbul bersama orang yang dicintai boleh memberi impak yang berlainan…
Fa Abdul & Big Nose Productions celebrate a belated Valentine’s Day with Her Story |…
Pack up your bags and “kapur” those shoes because school is back in session! TEPUK…
Titis : Battle of Endau ‘ Ada cerita tentang pejuang’ Introducing an upcoming show, presented…
Calling all kids and families! Come catch Hantu Kaki Kotor, a brand new Malay-language children’s…
TEATER: POST-MORTEM “Nafsu pada si mati oleh hati-hati yang mati.” ! Tontonan 18 Tahun Ke-Atas…
Looking for something thrilling?✨ Introducing an upcoming show, presented by @mypenangcreative and @tripleiproductionhouse ✨🙌 Spice &…
Jom sama-sama kita saksikan pementasan Dramatari SIRAT sempena Program Citra Malaysia ‘Colours of Malaysia’ (COM…