Event Listings

70 events found, show 2428 more.

Carnival of the Animals

About The Petaling Jaya Philharmonic Orchestra and the Performance: Petaling Jaya Philharmonic Orchestra (PJPO) is…

Adam! The Musical

There’s something about Adam! His mother thinks he’s acting funny (maybe it’s the upcoming wedding!)…

AISM Presents ‘Into The Woods’, a Musical Production

The Australian International School Malaysia (AISM) presents Into The Woods, a musical by American composer…

Harder Than This – The Musical

Harder Than This – The Musical is a new musical production that has been conceptualized…

An Evening With MPYO – Rhapsody of Emotions

The Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra brings its 10th anniversary festivities to a closure with another…

Brilliant Bruch, Bold Bruckner

Grammy award winner Joshua Bell makes a return visit to Dewan Filharmonik PETRONAS with Max…

Maximus Musicus Visits the Orchestra

Maximus Musicus was only searching for a quiet cosy place to stay for the night,…

Brian Lowdermilk in KL!

Brian Lowdermilk needs no introduction if you’re a musical theatre enthusiast. Chances are, even if…

Between The Lines

Between The Lines is a powerful, dramatic, poignant yet uplifting study of war. Seen through…

Pak Pandir Sebuah Muzikal

Ayuh! Ikuti pengembaraan Pak Pandir dan Embek menyelamatkan Mak Andih yang diculik oleh Ratu Labah-labah…


The Venom sebuah muzikal adalah inspirasi dari naskhah High School Musical yang berkisarkan pasangan kekasih…

The Working Dead – Workshop Production

“The Working Dead”, is a brand-new contemporary Malaysian rock musical set in Kuala Lumpur, about…