Events - Theatre

Polis Sentri

“Kau yang patut kena tangkap. Mari sini, biar aku gari kau, dan hantar ke balai…

Red Velvet

Ain suffered from Stockholm Syndrome when she was in the captivity of Amar and Aaron.…

4-Love:Through The Decades

Laman Artisan presents 4-LOVE THROUGH THE DECADES in collaboration with Anomalist Production. SARA Getting pregnant…

Malam Jahanam

Pelajar Semester 5 Diploma Teater UPSI akan mementaskan teater Malam Jahanam karya Motinggo Boesje sempena…

24 Jam Dalam 37 Tahun

“To be a great human being, you should not have a father figure.” Haikal struggles…

Sel Akhir 2

Sebuah teater dari Persatuan Seni Ceritera yang mengisahkan tentang 3 banduan akhir yang sedang menghitung…

Malam Takdir in KL – A Reading

Malam Takdir – a staged reading of a new play by Johan Othman Directed by…

2020 Emily of Emerald Hill (Penang)

Emily of Emerald Hill 中文版 29-2-2020 (3pm & 8pm) 槟城首演. 1-3-2020 (3pm & 8pm) is…

Suri Panggung Vol 1

It is aimed to celebrate women and their untold experiences; Suri Panggung Vol 1 is…

多重戀愛人生遊戲 The Game of Polyamory Life

Staged Reading “讀劇表演"—— 以最簡單的方式,帶你品味戲劇。 沒有精細的戲服,沒有舞台佈景。 讓演員用聲音表情釋放你的想像, 帶領大家探索劇場的另一個維度。 刻意的留白,自由地腦補, 一起走入一齣“多重戀愛"的人生遊戲, 來體驗在這愛情世界中的自由決策。 Staged Reading – A taste…

The Tempest

We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded…


A samurai is murdered and his wife raped. The body of the samurai is discovered…