Event Listings

310 events found, show 2171 more.


The much-hyped and consecutively sold-out indicineliVe! revue returns after a 6-year hiatus with brand-new sketches…

Teenage Dream: T4YP 2018 Final Showcase

klpac’s Theatre for Young People (T4YP) programme has set the bar high for youth theatre…

Theatron: Discovery

With role playing, script reading, character building, and improv, Theatron: Discovery will aim to take…

Puteri Gunung Ledang

“Bila sampai waktunya, kita akan bersama, adinda anggap sebagai janji” The accient history and myth…

Aliens Love Underpants

When little aliens fly down to Earth, they don’t come to visit because they want…

After Earl: Before The Fall

There was once a frog named Earl, who lived in a small pond in the…


Good news guys! In this fasting month, we’ll bring something special to our loyal theatergoers…

NINE Theatre Festival: Staged Performances

NINE Theatre Festival: Staged Performances LOVE, DEATH & TIME. These themes are explored through a…

Teater Dendam Syaitan

Arahan : Reen Nastasha Penulis Skrip : Ewan Allif Lakonan : Ewan Allif Adiitt Amie…

A Modern Woman Called Ang Tau Mui 一個名叫紅豆妹的摩登師奶

人說人生如夢,她說夢如人生, 短短的一剎,她快樂,她興奮, 匆匆的一場,她悲哀,她苦悶。 當她從夢中醒覺,却已走完了一生…… People say life is like a dream, She says a dream…


A new creation led by the renowned French director Carlos Garcia Estevez (Manifesto Poetico) and…

Two by Jim Cartwright – KL Players

The KL Players are proud to present our next mid-term show, ‘Two’ by Jim Cartwright,…