Event Listings

2542 events found

2020 Emily of Emerald Hill (Penang)

Emily of Emerald Hill 中文版 29-2-2020 (3pm & 8pm) 槟城首演. 1-3-2020 (3pm & 8pm) is…

Music In The Jungle

An Interactive Session with the klpac Symphonic Band. Join the klpac Symphonic Band in a…

掘失(jué shī) The Hidden Tune

掘失 The Hidden Tune jué shī A music collaboration by Orang Orang Drum Theatre (Malaysia)…

Pentas Staged Reading Public Dialogue 平台讀劇座談會

Pentas Staged Reading Public Dialogue <In Conversation: Inspirations through Stage Readings and Space> Key Speaker:…

Suri Panggung Vol 1

It is aimed to celebrate women and their untold experiences; Suri Panggung Vol 1 is…

Krakatau with MPYO

2020 marks Krakatau’s 35th year in the music industry! With 10 albums under its belt…

Life Casting Sculpture Workshop: Hand Casting & Mould Making for a Pair of Hands

Life casting is a historic art technique practiced by several ancient cultures. The practice of…

Ceramic Wheel Throwing Workshop • 陶藝拉坯工作坊

Come join us for the ceramic wheel throwing experiencing workshop! Other than introducing the fun…

Linocut Print Making Workshop on Paper & Tote Bag

Linocut is a printmaking technique, a variant of woodcut in which a sheet of linoleum…

CounterCartographies: Wen Hao’s Guide to Titiwangsa Lake Park

MALAYSIA DESIGN ARCHIVE and IMAGINED MALAYSIA CounterCartographies READING GROUP Wen Hao’s Guide to Titiwangsa Lake…

The Pyramid of Souls – Mohammad Din Mohammad

“The Pyramid of Souls” – Fragmentary notes on Mohammad Din Mohammad’s treatment of the ‘art…

Brunch on the Balcony

Let us take you on a private tour of Malaysia’s only fully-integrated arts centre. Discover…