Event Listings

2539 events found

Baronson Is Burning Vol.1 w/ Marijannah[Sg]/Potion[Aus]

CHARLES BARONSON & RUMAH API PRESENTS Marijannah is a stoner/doom metal band from Singapore, members are…

Serious Play Improv Lab (SPIL 046)

SPIL 046 would like to welcome our friend from Spain, great flutist Rodrigo Parejo, and…

More Than A Beach – A Talk About The Heritage of Pangkor Island

A conference by Historian Mr. Law Siak Hong about The Heritage of Pangkor Island and…

Retro Rahman – A Tribute

Oscar winning living legend AR Rahman will be celebrated in this episode of the Mojo…


“生命影响生命,生命感动生命,让爱就像光一样照亮着大地……” 绿精灵剧团7月将上演创团10周年大作~《追光者》! *演出适合各年龄层(U级)。 *演出长1个小时30分钟。 *演出有英文字幕。 早鸟优惠至7月1日,欢迎你走进TTDI的KuAsh Theatre,一起来见证我们的10年之作!一部结合神话以及环保元素的戏剧演出,由许多剧场艺术家共同打造,为观众呈献优质剧场制作! 我们用心制作,希望与您用心交流! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •一部由”心”出发,感悟”生命”,结合”环保”主题的戏剧演出作品。 •创作品质保证的吕俊霖@Blink Blink老师为编导。 •舞台美术也由艺术美感创造力强的吕导操刀。 •演员阵容包括了第14届戏炬奖“最佳男主角”的陈志坚(Turkey哥哥)、第5届戏炬奖“最佳女主角”陈丽玲、电视主持人Dennis颜小丹、MY FM…

Overthink 想多了- A Solo Exhibition of Lim Heng Swee

A Solo Exhibition of Lim Heng Swee aka I Love Doodle Lim Heng Swee ,also…

Manga Drawing Body Basic Workshop

Register with us now! You are invited to the Manga Drawing Body Basic workshop, it…

CounterCartographies Reading – Degas’s Portraits at the Exch.

As part of our CounterCartographies initiative to understand visual culture in relation to the politics…

East Point West | IFE

EAST POINT WEST | Interdisciplinary Festival of Embodiment A meeting point of East & West…

Book Reading & Discussion #9: The Dehumanization of Art

We will be continuing reading and discussing an essay from Ortega y Gasset book, The…

Thursday Night Live: Bayangan

I’ll be playing a solo set alongside Azmyl Yunor at Merdekarya in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, this coming…


“Program Semarak Seni Budaya Interaksi Seni Siri I merupakan platform terbaik yang disediakan oleh JKKN…