Event Listings

51 events found, show 2488 more.

Dance Around The World

Do you wish to travel around the world? ”Dance Around The World” is a virtual…

Bangsawan Hikayat Si Miskin Menjadi Raja

The Bangsawan Theatre, loaded with noble values, is one of the earliest forms of entertainment…

Makyung Anak Raja Panah

Pusat Seni Pentas Tradisional (PuTRA) sekali lagi mengangkat teater tradisional Makyung yang bertajuk Anak Raja…

Asli – Resonance in Our Roots

ASLI- Resonance in Our Roots, is a live collaboration of puppetry and folklore with ethnic…

ChamberLied Session 3 – Mozart’s Pieces for Friends

Follow us as we visit collaborative pianist in the Klang valley for some coffee and…


The legendary magical nanny Ms. Poppins returns to Cherry Tree Lane and although the times…

Masa//Massa : Di Hujung Digital

The people of Pink Tank Collective is back again! Visit their hybrid art exhibition to…

A Musical Comedy ALL SHOOK UP

this is a musical theatre, a yearly performance showcase for Entertainment Arts students Tickets are…


The legendary magical nanny Ms. Poppins returns to Cherry Tree Lane and although the times…

Buka Pintu Teater

Buka Pintu: Sebuah Teater Verbatim Without respect, nobody will open their door. Farah, Solihin, and…

《IKAT肚脐带 tōo-tsâi-tuà》 – installation x perfromance art

In conjunction with its 30th anniversary, ZXC Theatre Troupe will be releasing a new, original production,《IKAT肚脐带 tōo-tsâi-tuà》,…

Panggung Rakyat @ Seni Tradisional dan Budaya Sabah

Panggung Rakyat Seni Tradisi onal dan Budaya Sabah Rakan kerjasama: Tuyang Initiative Tentang Panggung Rakyat Panggung…