The mixed-bill showcase is divided into two sections; the first section is known as Dance Showcase 4.0, which focuses on showcasing the dancers’ development throughout the year, whereas the second section “Washing Machine” is a dance-theatre performance that focuses on the theme of femininity. Showcase 4.0 would be led by Matt Tan (Artistic Director) and Tan Bee Hung (guest instructor) while “Washing Machine” would be directed by Amelia Tan.


Dance Showcase 4.0: Contemporary dance – directed by Tan Bee Hung
The contemporary dance piece involves expressive dance movements to highlight dancers’ individuality and the input gained throughout their lives. Bee Hung guides the dancers to explore their most relaxed self and tell their stories through body movements. This 30-minute dance piece is created by combining various styles of movements.

Dance Showcase 4.0 – Chinese classical dance – directed by Matt Tan
During the following 30-minute, dancers would showcase another quality of movements by incorporating the elements of the Chinese Classical dance. The three dominant categories which include the use of body language, technique and rhythm control are the guidelines used by dancers to establish a series of movements. Not only can the audience gain a deeper understanding about Chinese Classical Dance, dancers also get to train themselves to reconstruct the basic form of the dance by adding their own style of movement.



Dance-theatre “Washing Machine” – directed by Amelia Tan
“Washing Machine” is a physical theatrical play directed by Amelia Tan. It tells the mundane laundry routine which is traditionally carried out by women in the household while questioning the women’s gender roles in the modern society. Why do the women wash the laundry everyday? What are they washing away? Are the clothes a piece of garment to cover up the body, give the wearer an identity or is there something more to it? How do girls and women find a foothold in the society that is getting more complex by the day and develop a sense of belonging? Let’s find out in this light-hearted play.

舞蹈剧场: 洗衣机- by愛美麗亞老师
由愛美麗亞老師編導,主題思想源自於通過洗衣機清洗衣物來探討生命中的歸宿。 “歸宿感”是人追求幸福生活的核心,尤其是女人,每一個階段都在尋找歸宿。在這劇目中,八位來自不同年齡層的現代女性每天不停地用洗衣機清洗衣物,到底她們在清洗些什麼?清洗自己的疲憊,清洗不愉快的事,清洗白白面對更好的人生?每一件衣物又代表什麼呢?身份、職業、形象、價值觀還是其實是一種掩飾?但她們每一天還是要不停地洗,不斷地洗…… 周而復始。表演風格幽默好玩,主觀從劇中一個男生視角來探討。

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IG: https://www.instagram.com/wuxudancetroupe/

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