Teater Modular: 4 Playlet Ridhwan Saidi

TEATER MODULAR is a series of offbeat playlets by Ridhwan Saidi. After 9 playlets staged last year in 2017, this coming April 2018 we’ll be having the final 4 playlets. All 13 playlets will then be compiled into a book (planned to be published late 2018 or early 2019) with photos, reflections, processes etc. This staging of TEATER MODULAR is supported by the Krishen Jit Astro Fund. You can also contribute to our crowdsourcing platform via Mystartr (https://www.mystartr.com/projects/teatermodular3).

TEATER MODULAR will be staged at KongsiKL, Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur from 4-8 April 2018. Shows will start at 9PM and there will be one morning show on Saturday at 10AM. Performed in Malay with English surtitles.

TEATER MODULAR with the final 4 playlets will be directed by Abdul Walid Bin AliAmirul SyakirHannan Barakbah and Ridhwan Saidi.


TEATER MODULAR sebuah siri playlet offbeat oleh Ridhwan Saidi. Selepas 9 playlet dipentaskan pada tahun 2017, April ini kami akan mementaskan 4 playlet terakhir. Kesemua 13 playlet kemudian akan dikompilasikan sebagai buku (cadang diterbitkan lewat 2018 atau awal 2019) dengan foto, renungan, proses dll. TEATER MODULAR kali ini telah disokong oleh Krishen Jit Astro Fund. Anda juga boleh menyumbang di pelantar dana awam via MyStartr (https://www.mystartr.com/projects/teatermodular3).

Lokasi pementasan adalah di KongsiKL, Gudang Yee Seng 2, Jalan Klang Lama, Kuala Lumpur. Bermula 4 April 2018 hingga 8 April 2018. Pementasan bermula jam 9 malam dan satu pementasan akan diadakan hari Sabtu pada pukul 10 pagi. Dipentaskan dalam bahasa Melayu dengan sarikata English.

TEATER MODULAR dengan 4 playlet terakhir akan diarahkan oleh Abdul Walid Bin AliAmirul SyakirHannan Barakbah dan Ridhwan Saidi.


Walid Ali, a multidisciplinary artist. Creative director for Luar Kotak Production. He has performed live art at Edinburgh Fringe Festival and Chapters Arts Centre.

Amirul Syakir is a young theatre practitioner. In 2014 he became viral on the social media for his ability to impersonate voices from popular culture. He teaches drama and acting (extra co-curricular subject) for university and school student.

Ridhwan Saidi, author of six novels including Mautopia which is being adapted into a full-length play. He runs Moka Mocha Ink an independent publishing house. Teater Modular is his series of playlets, while Teater Normcore is his series of one-act plays.

Hannan Barakbah is a young theatre practitioner. Her first theatre experience was as Tony in West Side Story, but her practise was halted for 5 years for her to get a degree in architecture. She came back to the theatre through T4YP by The Actors Studio, KLPAC. This is her directorial debut.


Playlet #9: Sesuap Kaseh
Sekumpulan rakan pejabat berpiknik di sungai. Dua dari mereka mengasingkan diri dari yang lain. | A group of officemates goes for a picnic at the river. Two of them isolate themselves from the others.

Playlet #10: Erti Mati
Seekor jin dan malaikat maut bertemu. Mereka berdialog. | A jinn and an angel of death met. They had a dialogue.

Playlet #11: Kurator Dapur
Suami seniman, isteri kurator; mereka baru beli barang dapur. | Husband is an artist, wife’s a curator; they just bought groceries.

Playlet #12: Hotel Berdarah
Wartawan, Datuk, setiausahanya, suaminya, bertemu di dalam satu bilik hotel. | A journalist, a Datuk, his secretary, her husband, met in a hotel room.


Tiket RM30 boleh didapatkan via peatix: http://teatermodular-set3.peatix.com

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Contact: 0122277882 / [email protected]

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