This is the second original Comedy Play featuring Sherlock Holmes, written and directed by Scott McQuaid, produced by CPAC. It is a parody based on the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, following the humble beginnings of author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle writing his first novel about the detective and his companion Dr. Watson. After Inspector Lestrade introduces a missing person’s case, our Baker Street heroes are soon on route to Baskerville Hall to investigate. Upon meeting their hosts, Irene Adler and the mysterious Mr. Blackwood, a frenetic farce breaks out, going from place to place and muddle to mess. The conclusion combines hilarious mishaps, slapstick comedy with fast wit and endless sarcasm.
Show dates: 1st & 2nd November 2019
Time: 8:00pm
Running time: 1 hour
Venue: Cempaka International School, Damansara Heights
Tickets: RM 50 (free seating)
Tickets are available at the door.
For pre-bookings,
WhatsApp: 017-372 8831
E-mail: [email protected]