Award winning Australian comedian Laura Davis is visiting KL for the first time this month, performing her critically acclaimed one-woman show, GHOST MACHINE.
GHOST MACHINE is something wildly new for the thriving KL comedy scene: setting laugh-out-loud standup comedy on a collision course with existential performance art, and it has been consistently rewarded by four and five star reviews across the world.
Laura performs dressed as a ghost, lit only by a lamp strapped to her back. She wants to know why the handles on maple syrup bottles are so tiny – and why you don’t kill yourself. You won’t see this on Netflix.
WINNER GOLDEN GIBBO AWARD Melbourne International Comedy Festival
WINNER BEST COMEDY AWARD Melbourne Fringe Festival
“Laura Davis is the kind of comedian that, after watching her share tales of life, love, fears and fragility for 60 minutes, you feel like you’ve just become BFFs with. And yes, the fact that she takes to the stage wearing a ghost costume definitely has something to do with it.
We’re not saying that’s why her latest show, GHOST MACHINE, won the Golden Gibbo Award at the 2015 Melbourne International Comedy Festival and the best comedy gong at the 2015 Melbourne Fringe. But, we’re not saying that her warts-and-all onstage confessions don’t feel more personal and poignant than your average stand-up routine, either.”
– concreteplayground.com