众鼓歌 2.0 LAGUku 2.0









这一次,人人人蓄积了更多的创作与表演能量,要把城市草根的生活图景,纳进交响乐的结构里,奏出偶尔拍子稳健,偶尔荒腔走板,很这个城市的《众鼓歌 2.0》

“My life is a symphony. I thought I was the solo conductor.”

People. Cars. Buildings.

Crowded. Congested. Crammed.

Light. Darkness.

Unfocused light. Focused darkness.

City, chaos, an unending grand symphony. Everyone is a conductor, directing his own melodic destiny. Some follow exactly the music score, some are lost in the notes. Some can’t find the score, some don’t even care about the score. Are you the only conductor in your symphony of destiny?

‘Laguku 2.0’ is Orang Orang Drum Theatre’s 5th production. Maintaining percussion as the main ingredient and incorporating different elements, this piece turns the observations and attitudes in life into a feast for the ears and eyes. It has been four years since the last ‘Laguku’, and this new piece continues to capture the hidden loneliness in the chaos of the prosperous city, releasing it in a cacophony of rawness.
Armed with more creativity and energy, Orang Orang blends the everyday life of the grassroots of the society into the framework of the symphony, sometimes keeping in step, sometime completely throwing all structure out of the window, as is the life in this city.

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