19 May
3:00PM – 5.00PM
‘Raden Saleh and Juan Luna: A Comparative Perspective’
The ILHAM Public Lectures, a series of lectures with renowned art historians and researchers, are part of ILHAM’s long-term aim to promote a greater understanding of modern and contemporary art. Through a number of talks that will be held annually, the series gives the public the opportunity to hear from major scholars in the fields.
The lecture series is presented in collaboration with the Visual Art Program, Cultural Centre, University of Malaya, where invited speakers will also be conducting campus seminars for students, lecturers and the public at the University of Malaya during their time in Kuala Lumpur.
Our fourth eminent speaker will be John Clark, Professor Emeritus in Art History at the University of Sydney where he taught for twenty years. His Asian Modernities: Chinese and Thai art of the 1980s and 1990s (Power Publications, 2010) won the Best Art Book Prize of the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand in 2011. His most recent book is Modernities of Japanese Art (2013) and Contemporary Asian Art at Biennials is scheduled for late-2017 from National University of Singapore Press. He is currently working on a two-volume study, The Asian Modern, 1850s–1990s, scheduled to be published with the National Gallery of Singapore in 2019.
John Clark will be speaking on ‘Raden Saleh and Juan Luna: A Comparative Perspective’. Raden Saleh and Juan Luna are the two major Southeast Asian European salon painters of the 19th century and the artists of the two great nationalist pictorial statements about European colonial rule, The Arrest of Diponegoro (1857) and Spoliarium (1884). John compares the different ways that Raden Saleh and Juan Luna approached creating art in a colonial context and examines how each made nationalistic statements about colonial rule while adhering to European norms.
Finally, the lecture touches on how their lives diverged, with Saleh becoming an aristocratic ironist and Luna becoming a national insurrectionist. In this lecture, John reflects on the artistic agencies of Raden Saleh and Juan Luna by considering: how far to appropriate colonial discourses, and how much, and, under the 19th century conditions of high European Imperialism, how far a new kind of cultural authenticity could be provided which was not entirely in the sway of the other?
An earlier version of the lecture was first presented at the National Gallery of Singapore earlier this year as ‘Raden Saleh and Juan Luna: Artist, Identity and Colony’ on the occasion of the exhibition ‘Between Worlds: Raden Saleh and Juan Luna’ from 16 November 2017 to 11 March 2018.
Image source: (left) unknown photographer, Raden Saleh wearing his four Orders, Florence, 1877, photograph (right) Gaston O’Farrell, (copyist) Self-Portrait of Juan Luna, ca. 1895, 26.12 x18 cms, López Memorial Museum, Manila
19 MEI
Sebagai rancangan jangka masa panjang ILHAM dalam mempromosikan kefahaman seni moden dan kontemporari, kami mempersembahkan Kuliah Umum ILHAM, sebuah siri kuliah bersama sejarahwan dan pengkaji seni yang terkemuka. Siri kuliah tahunan ini akan memberi peluang kepada khalayak untuk mendengar sendiri bicara dari cendekiawan terkemuka di dalam bidang ini.
Kuliah ini ialah hasil kerjasama bersama Jabatan Seni Visual, Pusat Budaya, Universiti Malaya di mana pembicara jemputan akan mengendalikan seminar buat pelajar-pelajar pasca-graduan di Universiti Malaya selama mereka di Kuala Lumpur.
Siri keempat program ini akan disampaikan oleh John Clark, Professor Emeritus Sejarah Seni dari University Sydney, tempat khidmat beliau selama 20 tahun. Buku beliau Asian Modernities: Chinese and Thai Art of the 1980s and 1990s (Power Publications, 2010) telah memenangi Best Art Book Prize of the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand pada tahun 2011. Buku terbaru beliau Modernities of Japanese Art (2013) dan Contemporary Asian Art at Biennials diterbitkan pada penghujung 2017 oleh National University of Singapore Press. Kini beliau sedang menghasilkan dua jilid buku kajian bertajuk The Asian Modern, 1850s–1990s, yang dijangka akan diterbitkan oleh National Singapore Gallery pada tahun 2019.