Date & Time:
14th – 17th December 2017 @ 8:30pm
16th – 17th December 2017 @ 3pm
Venue: Pentas 2, The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
Regular: RM88
Concession: RM78 (TAS Card Member / Seniors / Disabled / Students)
RM330 for group of 4 tickets (any date)
Inclusive of RM3 ticket handling fee and 6% GST.
Ticket Promotions:
Celebration of 110th anniversary of Chinese Drama (China)
RM110 for group of 2 tickets (only 3 days total 100 pairs, 10 to 12 October 2017)
RM330 for group of 4 tickets (any date)
Buy 10 and Get 1 Free for group booking
Inclusive of RM3 ticket handling fee and 6% GST.
Ticket Launching Date: 10 Oct 2017. For enquiries contact Easee Gan at 012 326 0209 (Whatsapp only).
present 呈献
Peking Man 北京人
in conjunction with 110th anniversary of Chinese Drama
brought to you by
Award Winning Director
Dr. Deric Gan
3 years streak in ADA Drama Award 戏炬奖 2012-2016
2 years streak in BOH Cameronian Arts Awards 2016-2017
Award Winning Production Team
The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat & MUKA Space
Richard III 理查三世 & The Dawns Here Are Quiet 这里的黎明静悄悄
2 years streak Best Drama in ADA Drama Award
Best Production of 2016 in BOH Cameronian Arts Awards
Presented by The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat & MUKA Space in conjunction with 110th anniversary of Chinese Drama. From the director of the multi-award winning The Dawns Here Are Quiet & Richard III, comes yet another groundbreaking production.
“Peking Man” was considered the most satisfying work from Cao Yu. Written in 1940, it was also his final work, devoid of his signature Anton Chekhov inspired psychological realism.
“Peking Man” describes the transformation of an old Chinese feudal family. It is a process that objectively presents the decline of a once-prominent scholar-official family into total collapse. Cao Yu emphasizes on interpreting the contradiction and conflicts among the three generations of grandchildren within the family. This is an elegant play that portrays the secrecy and inner thoughts of people in a poetic manner. The intense picture of the play is powerfully hinted through the old Soviet clock, the crumbling walls, the pigeons in the cage alone and the baby that died. With the progression of corruption and the underlying theme of change, “Peking Man” merges tragedy and comedy into one, making it a modern tragicomedy. While the playwright satirises, ridicules, and attacks human beings, he also exposes their own tragedy to sympathy and compassion.
《北京人》写于1940年,是曹禺先生倾心于契诃夫式心理现实主义戏剧后的转型之作,也是曹禺他自认为最满意的一部作品。《北京人》描写了一个旧中国封建大家庭如何从过去的”家运旺盛”的时代,逐步走向衰落直至最后彻底崩溃的过程。在这个封建家庭内部,曹禺着重刻画了祖孙三代人之间的矛盾冲突。这是一部风格淡雅,表现人物深层心理和隐秘情感的戏,弥漫着诗意现实主义的韵致。剧中密集的意象群充满着暗示的力量: 古老的苏钟、摇摇欲坠的土墙、单只的笼中的鸽子、夭折的婴儿…..在这种腐败的气息与衰落的大趋势中,潜伏着变革的躁动,《北京人》将悲剧因素和喜剧因素融合为一,是一部现代悲喜剧。作者在对人性抨击、讽刺和嘲笑的同时,也揭示了他们自身的悲剧性,予以深沉的同情与怜悯。
Executive Producer: Dato’ Faridah Merican
Artistic Director: Joe Hasham OAM
Producer: Easee Gan
Director and adaptation by: Dr. Deric Gan
Lighting Designer: Amelia Tan
Music Composer and Sound Designer: Lee Yueh Yi
MayJune Tan (ntv7 Star Idol Malaysia Champion)
Grace Looi (Best Newcomer, ADA Drama Award)
Ruby Yap (Best Actress, ADA Drama Award)
Vivienne Onn (Best Newcomer, SHORT+SWEET)
Tan Li Yang (Best Newcomer, ADA Drama Award)