An open mic that’s fully OSOM!
Wan Two S.O.M. is a Seni Open Mic that celebrates all forms of the arts. Living up to its name, Wan Two S.O.M open mic performers will undergo an intense battle of o-som! to decide the sequence.
Featuring spoken word poet:
Alana Azlan
A seasoned Spoken Word Poet, her performances are an experience, and her poetry falls between relatable and inciteful. She just released A Female Called Psyche published with SelutBooks
Opening Act:
Ashikin M
An Adventurer, Pathfinder and Story Teller, she one day will rule the world so we are paying our tributes early to curry favor.
She also has a book called Si Romantik yang Sudah Mati published with RomanBuku
Makhluk Seni’s Wan Two S.O.M
Our stage welcomes all forms of art: spoken word poetry, theater, live music, we got it, you share it. We just want people to know that there’s a space for them to perform their art, whatever Makhluk Seni they may happen to be.
So come up and rock (paper, scissors) with us!
For fans of visual art and storytelling, look forward to our collections of zines, prints, and postcards from our art table. Interested in opening up a booth? Shoot an email to [email protected] to notify the team!
Happening on 27th August, 4PM at Sebok Cafe, Shah Alam, come and lepak and sebok menyebok with us. Food and drinks are provided.
27th August 2017
SEBOK Cafe, UOA Business Center, Shah Alam
Tickets start at RM10 for open mic’ers, RM20 for registered audience and RM30 for walk ins.
If you’re interested to come, come buy tickets here: https://
Issues with ticketing? Contact [email protected]!
Early birds get RM10 off, so go register la!
For further information please do check out our posters.
#openmic #stage #makan #food #drinks #cafe #tea #Sebok #theatre#poetry #spokenword #cafemalaysia #cafemy #glenmarie #sebokcafe#spokenwordpoetry