The Great Imagination by the World Youngest Savant

PinkGuy Gallery is pleased to present the highly anticipated exhibition titled The Great Imagination, where we embark on a captivating artistic journey curated by the visionary artist Delwin Cheah. This immersive experience invites us to celebrate the boundless imagination of one of history’s most revered artists, Leonardo da Vinci, as interpreted through the unique artistic lens of Delwin Cheah. Within these walls, we witness a heartfelt tribute to da Vinci’s genius, infused with Cheah’s distinctive artistic style, known as “Delwinism.”

The Great Imagination is a culmination of Delwin Cheah’s deep admiration and affection for Leonardo da Vinci, whose artworks have long held a special place in his heart. Delwin’s recent visit to The Louvre, where he had the privilege of beholding da Vinci’s iconic masterpieces, such as the enigmatic Mona Lisa and the captivating Bacchus, further deepened his admiration for da Vinci’s artistry. Inspired by the remarkable imagination and painterly techniques of his idol, Delwin now embarks on a creative odyssey, paying homage to da Vinci’s legacy.

Through his distinctive artistic style, “Delwinism,” Cheah creates a new dimension that merges da Vinci’s visionary ideas with his own contemporary interpretation. As we navigate the exhibition, we are immersed in a world where two artistic voices harmoniously blend, resulting in a captivating dialogue between the past and the present, tradition and innovation.

Artists on show 

Delwin Cheah


Event Dates



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