Dear Friends,
Sutra started its first dance class 35 years ago with bharatanatyam and soon rose to become one of the nation’s dynamic bharatanatyam institutions. Sutra has trained, groomed and produced some of the most outstanding bharatanatyam dancers in Malaysia today. It is regarded as having one of the most compelling repertoires of bharatanatyam – a legacy of the late Guru Adyar K. Lakshman, one of India’s major dance gurus. Lakshman Sir was a brilliant product of the early Kalakshetra training, under the direct tutelage of bharatanatyam pioneer, Rukmini Devi Arundale.
Sutra’s first bharatanatyam performance, a production titled ‘KITATAKATARIKITATOM’, was inspired by the dance syllable, which accompanies a flash of movement in bharatanatyam adavu. Our present title #TARIDIKOTAKAN is however, a Malay word implying the ‘integrity of fulfilling a resolve’. This is in fact, a major motivating factor in staging the present performance, danced by new and senior dancers of Sutra.
Sutra stopped its bharatanatyam class for more than 7 years due to the lack of commitment from its previous dancers. It would be a great pity indeed if Sutra was to loose this precious legacy and it therefore resolves to rectify the situation. It began the teaching bharatanatyam all over again with a new batch of beginners about two years ago. The performance of TARIDIKOTAKAN aims to reinstate Sutra’s precious bharatanatyam’s legacy and activate, once again, both its teaching and performance commitment to bharatanatyam.
Watch #TARIDIKOTAKAN on 18 & 19 August 2018, 8.30pm.
Entrance by donation at RM30.
Call us at 03-4021 1092 to purchase your entrance pass.