“I’ve always wanted to write but I … “
A. don’t know how to start
B. don’t know what to write
C. don’t know who to write for
D. don’t have the time to write
E. can’t write a proper sentence
If your answer is a combination of A, B, C or D, then this workshop is for you. E should not be part of the reason because it is essential to know how to string sentences together in your preferred language. The other pre-requisite is that you must be 16 years and above. You will learn how to start writing, what to write, who to write for, and how to find time to write.
About the Facilitator
Lydia Teh has written 10 books, hundreds of articles and several columns for newspapers, magazines, and web portals. Her bestselling title, Honk! If You’re Malaysian, has sold more than 30,000 copies. She has a Cambridge International Certificate for Teaching and Learning as well as a Certificate of Proficiency in English from the University of Cambridge. She is also a HRDF-certified trainer and an ex-Toastmaster.
This 3-hour programme includes:
• Tips for getting started
• Identifying what to write
• Identifying target audience
• Writing prompts
• Planning what to write
• Writing exercise
• Planning your writing schedule
• Rewriting exercise
• Sharing your writing