Piano Master Class With Ms Xie Ya-Ou (Germany/China)
The Germany-based China renowned pianist, Ms Xie Ya-Ou will conduct a piano master class at SEGi University & Colleges (Subang Jaya) and also open to public observation. A limit of 3 active participants and each participant will have a 45-minute of one to one lesson. Each participant suggests to present a piece of the 20th century piano music.
Date: 3-10-2017
Time: 2:30pm-4:50pm
Venue: Music Theatre Hall, 6th Floor, SEGi University & Colleges (Subang Jaya)
Enquiry: +6017 382 8637
Online Registration Form: https://goo.gl/forms/3zwQPIDZC4SA74lF3
Fees (For active participation): RM 180 (includes a 45-minute master class & open lecture)
Fees (For passive participation): RM 30 (includes observation of master classes & open lecture)
** Free observation for music students of SEGi University & Colleges (Subang Jaya) and member of Society of Malaysian Contemporary Composers.
Open Lecture: “20th century Piano extended technique”
Ms Xie Ya-Ou draws the examples from American composer George Crumb’s “Makrokomos” and other.
Speaker: Ms Xie Ya-Ou (Germany/China)
Date: 3-10-2017
Time: 5pm-6pm
Enquiry: +6017 382 8637
Online Registration Form: https://goo.gl/forms/3zwQPIDZC4SA74lF3
“Ya-ou Xie understands how to create a magical, beguiling aura…” commented the French magazine „Lettre du Musicien“ about the pianism of Ya-ou Xie.
Born in Guiyang, South-western China, the pianist (and conductor) has performed before international audiences at such music centres as the Berlin Philharmonie, the Konzerthaus Berlin, both Cité de la Musique and Salle Cortot in Paris, the Hong Kong Art Centre and the Beijing Concert Hall. As a soloist she has appeared with grand orchestras, including the China National Symphony Orchestra, the Sinfonie Orchester Berlin, and the National Orchestra Lille under conductors such as Victor Yampolski, Lutz Köhler, Madame Zheng Xiaoying, and Li Xincao. She is a guest performer at numerous festivals, among others Gaudeamus Music Week in Amsterdam, MaerzMusik Berlin, and the Beijing New Music Festival.
As the winner of important prizes at the Orléans Concours XXème Siècle, Concours Olivier Messiaen, Concorso Premio Jaén, and the International Piano Competition Lake Como, she received accolades for her interpretation of works by Franz Liszt, Claude Debussy, Arnold Schönberg, George Crumb, and Luciano Berio.
Alongside classical repertoire, both Chinese and Western contemporary music occupy an important place in Ya-ou Xie’s musical achievement. She has worked with composers such as George Crumb, Hugue Dufourt, and Helmut Lachenmann and has given frequent premieres in many countries. In 2008 she founded with pianist Prodromos Symeonidis the outstanding Ensemble Berlin PianoPercussion, which is active on international stages.
In January 2017, Xie took part as soloist at the opening concert of the Elbphilharmonie in Hamuburg.
Ya-ou Xie is guest professor of Ningxia University, Hainan University, and Guizhou Normal University. In February 2017, Xie is nominated as Kayserburg-Artist of the world biggest piano producer Pearl River Piano Group.
旅德中国钢琴家谢亚鸥女士将在世纪大学与学院 (梳邦再也分校)举办大师班,一对一大师班只限三个名额,每位各上课45分钟,需准备一首20世纪钢琴作品;大师班亦会开放旁听名额,报名从速!
日期: 3-10-2017
时间: 2:30pm-4:50pm
地点: 音乐剧场厅,世纪大学与学院 (梳邦再也分校) – 六楼
呈现: 马来西亚当代作曲家协会
协办: 世纪大学与学院 (梳邦再也分校)
学费:RM 180 (包括45分钟一对一大师班/讲座)
旁听费用:RM 30 (观摩旁听全程大师班/讲座)
活动洽询:+6017 382 8637
讲座: 《20世纪钢琴非常规演奏技术-拓展钢琴演奏技法》
日期: 3-10-2017
时间: 5pm-6pm
主讲人: 谢亚鸥女士 (旅居德国的中国钢琴家,现任宁夏大学、海南大学、贵州师范大学客席教授)
活动洽询:+6017 382 8637
谢亚鸥 简历:
谢亚鸥3岁起随母亲学琴,11岁考入中央音乐学院附小,后又升入该院附中和上海音乐学院。在欧洲先后就读于世界知名音乐学府斯图加特国立音乐学院和柏林艺术大学,分别获得两所学院的“艺术家文凭”和“音乐会文凭”,并以优异成绩作为柏林艺术大学的交换生被派往巴黎高等音乐学院继续深造。中国钢琴家赵屏国,李明强,林尔耀,德国教育家及演奏家黄婉莹,莱格拉夫(Hans Leygraf),法国钢琴家艾尔菲尔,艾玛(Pierre-Laurent Aimard)和德瓦永(Pascal Devoyon)等钢琴名师伴随谢亚鸥在钢琴艺术的道路上一路成长,上海音乐学院黄晓同教授和法国指挥家迭果•马松(Diego Masson)把她带入指挥艺术的殿堂,法国钢琴家洛丽奥•梅西安(Yvonne Loriod-Messiaen),中国钢琴家傅聪,西班牙钢琴家拉罗恰(Alicia de Larrocha),美国作曲家克拉姆(George Crumb)和德国作曲家拉亨曼(Helmut Lachenmann)等众多大师的真传,则使她对各个时期不同风格和流派的音乐语言,尤其是20世纪的钢琴文献有了广泛接触和深入了解,博采众长,融会贯通。在大量演奏传统经典曲目的同时,谢亚鸥致力于将西方现代钢琴作品介绍到中国和使中国钢琴音乐走上国际音乐舞台的工作。。谢亚鸥多次应邀到中央音乐学院,上海音乐学院,武汉音乐学院和四川音乐学院等多所音乐院校讲学,担任宁夏大学、海南大学和贵州师范大学的客座教授,并签约全球第一家网络艺术学校 “iartschool 爱艺术+”,担任高级艺术顾问。
谢亚鸥多次在国际比赛中获重要奖项,如奥尔良二十世 纪钢琴比赛(Orléans Concours XXéme Siécle)、梅西安钢琴比赛和西班牙 哈恩大奖赛(Premio Jaén)等。2005年五月在意大利科莫湖国际钢琴比赛中 获得了著名的科莫国际钢琴研究院所设的唯一的奖项,获奖学金05/06季度在该院随雷昂•弗莱舍(Leon Fleische)、巴施基洛夫(Dmitri Bashkirov)和纳伯乐(William Grant Naboré)等名师学习。
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