You are invited to the Manga Drawing Character Design Basic workshop, it is suitable for beginners (basic level).
Requirement: Participant has completed manga portrait and manga body workshops.
Date: 4th August 2018 – 1st September 2018
Time : 10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue : Claz’room College
Course Fee: RM400 (4+1 lessons)
For more information, welcome to contact us at 011-16999366/info@clazroom.com/FB Messenger
A) Registration Guidelines
Students should also be familiar with the following general points about registration.
1. Registration for the workshop is conducted under Clazroom College. Registration starts a week before the start of classes. The student must know his/her consultant for the completion of the registration.
2. Mere attendance does not mean registration in a class, nor will attendance in a class for which a student is not registered be a basis for asking that a program change be approved permitting registration in that class. Students should complete the registration process before classes begin.
3. Tuition and fees are payable in advance.
4. Students cannot drop the workshop merely by stopping attendance.
B) Attendance
1. Any student who seeks to absent, there is no replacement class provided.
C) Refund Policy
1. Payment of workshop registration is not refundable. Merely notifying an instructor will not be sufficient.