新纪元⼤大学学院戏剧与影像系 第 18 届排演⼆ 呈献
The 18th Batch of the Theatre Production II of New Era University College Drama & Visuals Department Presents
李尔王 King Lear
威廉·莎⼠比亚 作品 Written by William Shakespeare’s
Entanglement is ethics and morality
Struggle is power and desire
Tragedy is the end chapter of destiny
改编⾃英国文学史上最杰出的剧作家莎⼠比亚经典著作 ——《李尔王》,由知名剧场导演罗国⽂带领新世代戏剧学⼦倾⼒创作⾃疫情后的⾸次实体演出。在原作的基础上⼤胆创新,其中更以标新⽴异的风格及当代剧场角度切入莎翁经典著作,打破旧有传统,探寻更加新颖的演出模式,令观众在熟悉的故事中有焕然⼀新的体验,期待共同创造⼀场视觉与听觉的盛宴。
Adapted from ‘King Lear’, a tragedy written by the world-renowned playwright – William Shakespeare. Director Loh Kok Man leads a batch of New Era theatre freshmen in performing their first post-pandemic stage play. Taking a new spin on the original work, Loh intertwines unconventional and modern techniques into the classic piece. Breaking barriers of tradition, presenting a new mode of performance, gifting the audiences a familiar tale with a brand new experience through a grand banquet of visuals and sounds.
场次 Shows
26/8/2022@ 8pm
27/8/2022@ 3pm & 8pm
28/8/2022@ 3pm & 8pm
地点 Venue
新纪元⼤学院黑箱剧场 New Era University College Black Box Theatre
票价 Ticket
⽹站链接 Website : https://neweraddv18.wixsite.com/king-lear
普通票 Normal: RM 35 成人 Adult , RM 30 学⽣ Student
早鸟优惠 Early Bird Promotion (截⽌日期 Closing Date 7/8/2022) : RM 30 成⼈ Adult , RM 25 学⽣ Student
5 人团购 Group of 5 : RM 150 成人 Adult , RM 135 学⽣ Student
询问热线 Enquiry :
018-2351107 (XiaoHui)
故事⼤纲 Synopsis:
Old King Lear decides to divide his kingdom, land and fortune to his three beloved daughters. Blinded by flattery from his two elder daughters, was angered when the youngest daughter chose not to abide him. He promptly marries her off to a foreign kingdom. The Old King Lear, thinking he could enjoy his golden years, but was inst