An all-new 3-in-1 theatrical experience
KENDURI KENDARA is a theatrical presentation of GEROBOK, SUAP and SAMAR.
GEROBOK is a long-term project that explores tudong as a cultural object which taps upon the memory and identity of participants. SUAP is a hand-to-mouth feeding ritual that breaks walls and connects participants. And SAMAR is a play about two people, riding the nine waves of marriage.
SAMAR English Logline
Young lovers oblige to marry each other when pregnancy ensues. In a span of more than a decade, revelation unfolds one after another, for they must survive the secrets they harbour.
SAMAR Malay Logline
Sepasang kekasih muda terpaksa berkahwin selepas dikurniakan kehamilan. Dalam tempoh lebih sedekad, terungkai satu demi satu rahsia yang harus mereka redah.