Holiday Camp: Carnival of the Animals

Carnival of the Animals / An Arts Enrichment Holiday Camp

Suitable for children aged 4-9

Did you know that the animals are coming to town?
Look out for the lion marching past;
the great aquarium with fish swimming fast,
and the donkeys calling Hee Haw!
Keep your eyes open wide, and your ears wider,
with them comes music and fun!

Join us for an adventure into Saint-Saens’ animal world! Learn about the music and its story, then follow the calls of the animals into the world of poetry and symphony. This Toccapoly Holiday Camp features story-telling, music-making with found objects, shadow theatre, and more!

Age : 4-9 years old

Carnival of the Animals Holiday Camp

4-9岁 综合艺术假日营

以殿堂级作曲家圣桑 (Saint-Saens) 的著名作品《动物狂欢节》(Carnival of the Animals) 为蓝本,结合不同的艺术学习元素,包含音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、手作,带领孩子与动物们一起冒险!


孩子们会和狮子们一起步操! 和小鱼们一起在水族馆里畅游~你看!乌龟,大象,天鹅,驴子和布谷鸟也来了!你也一起加入我们的行列吧!


Let’s enjoy the world of Toccapoly together!😎

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