Gerak Angin

A noble initiative by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture to create opportunities for struggling artistes due to COVID-19, creating a platform to uplift at a time of crisis. With 17 esteemed music, dance and theatre hubs across the nation.

Watch this space, save the date – catch the performances at from 16 September to 2 October 2020!

Image may contain: 2 people, text that says "MINISTRY TOURISM, ARTS CULTURE proudly presents Music Geng WakLong 19Sept AlenaMurang 30Sept Space Cempaka Dance 20Sept 23Sept DiDance Company Foundation zerak Angin 020ct Theatre Shakespeare 18Sept 21Sept WATCH www. GERAKANGIN. COM STREAMED BY GERAK ANGIN 28Sept Producer VIVEN THE Artistic Directors DATU IBRAHIM SABERA SHAIK MALAYSIAN VIRTUAL ARTS FESTIVAL 0a 0d Masag SutraFOUNDATION F&BPARTNER SV ICAFE"

Event Dates


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