Film Screening – Inclusion Equals Love


Inclusion Equals Love – Inclusive Outdoor Classroom
25 AUG, 5:00PM

Inclusion Equals Love is a documentary made by award-winning Malaysian filmmaker Indrani Kopal that was commissioned by The Inclusive Outdoor Classroom, a community project by Inclusive Space Services. It is a special film that examines the successes and frustrations of parents and students seeking inclusive education opportunities in mainstream schools, rather than just schools catering specifically for individuals with special needs. The stirring portraits show us how inclusion not only makes life better for those who need it the most but also for everyone who gets involved. The issues are personal yet national in scope and the discussion necessary to move humanity forward.

The screening will be followed by a Q & A session with the film producers.

Inclusion Equals Love – Inclusive Outdoor Classroom

Tayangan filem dokumentari bertajuk Inclusion Equals Love arahan pembikin filem yang telah meraih pelbagai anugerah, Indrani Kopal, dengan kerjasama Inclusive Outdoor Classroom. Filem istimewa ini menuruti kejayaan dan kehampaan ibu bapa yang mencari peluang pendidikan terangkum di sekolah-sekolah arus perdana, selain dari sekolah yang hanya tertumpu kepada keperluan spesifik individu khas. Paparan filem ini menunjukkan bahawa keterangkuman bukan sahaja dapat melahirkan kehidupan yang baik kepada yang memerlukan, juga kepada yang terlibat. Isu ini kelihatan peribadi namun bersifat kebangsaan jika diluaskan skopnya dan perbincangan amat diperlukan bagi menggerakkan kemanusiaan.

Tayangan ini akan disusuli dengan sesi soal-jawab bersama penerbit filem.

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