你想知道古典聲樂技巧和流行聲樂技巧的分別, 破除唱歌的迷思, 什麽是Estill 聲樂技巧訓練 (Estill Voice Training), 什麽是Estill的13個音型調度 (13 Figures of Voice Control),什麽是Estill 的6 種音色(6 Voice Qualities) 等等的問題, 這個工作坊將是你的選擇.
工作坊時間:09:30 a.m. — 12:30 p.m.
工作坊報名細則和方法: 即日起接受報名.我們只接受網上或電郵報名.請在網上填寫報名表格後發送.電郵報名則將你的姓名,聯絡電話及電郵地址發送至[email protected] 報名.報名人數足夠時,我們會反饋給你一份報名確認電郵. 請報名者依照確認電郵的指示匯款.若報名者未能在規定期間內匯款,報名參加課程資格將被取消.
工作坊參加對象:聲樂老師, 聲樂學些者, 合唱團指揮家, 合唱團團員和喜歡唱歌的朋友們. 參加者年齡需年滿18歲.
工作坊費用:即日起至 30.06.2017 報名者,享早鳥優惠價每人才付RM198** 30.06.2017 後報名者恢復體驗價RM250
** 需符合細則及條款及需付款作實.需要於早鳥截止日前完成款項付款才得以保留早鳥資格.具体的細則和條款及付款方式請見報名確認函或請點擊下面的鏈接:
www.technicalvocalcoach.com (Chinese)
www.vocalprogress.com (English)
温馨提示: 30.06.2017 後報名者恢復體驗價RM 250
www.technicalvocalcoach.com (Chinese)
www.vocalprogress.com (English)
- 馬來西亞唯一的 Estill 國際合格註册導師資格
- 亞洲第一位 Estill 國際合格註册導師資格
- 全球第一位通曉中文 Estill 國際合格註册導師資格
- Certificate of Figure Proficiency Estill Voice International™ Estill 國際合格Figure Proficiency資格
- Certified Master Teacher Estill Voice International™ Estill 國際合格註册導師資格
- M.Music Voice Performance (Cologne University of Music Germany) 德國科隆音樂學院聲樂表演碩士
- M.Music Voice Pedagogy (Cologne University of Music Germany) 德國科隆音樂學院聲樂教育碩士
- BA (Hons) U.S.M. Penang, Malaysia 馬來西亞理科大學榮譽學士
- Member of New York Singing Teachers’ Association 美國紐約聲樂教育者恊會終身會員
- Member of National Association of Singing Teachers 美國聲樂教育者恊會終身會員
- Member of German Voice Teachers’ Association 德國聲樂教育者恊會終身會員
Estill Introductory Workshop in Penang
- You have probably heard of Estill Voice Training System but you don’t know what it is?
- Are you tired of learning singing myths?
- There’s so much information about singing techniques posted on the internet, you don’t know what is true and what is not?
Then You Must Come & Join Us…
In this workshop, we are going to look at:
1. Who was Jo Estill and what is Estill Voice Training?
2. What are the 13 Figures in Level 1?
3. What are the 6 Voice Qualities in Level 2?
Suitable for: Singers, Voice Teachers, Actors – It is aimed at anyone who wants to know more about the Estill Model.
Language: Mandarin
Date :26.08.2017
From..To…:09:30 a.m. — 12:30 p.m.
Presenter: Metropoli Tan (is the FIRST and ONLY Certified Master Teacher in Estill Voice Training System in Malaysia, the FIRST Certified Master Teacher in Estill Voice Training System in Asia)
- Certificate of Figure Proficiency Estill Voice International™
- Certified Master Teacher Estill Voice International™
- M.Music Voice Performance (Cologne University of Music Germany)
- M.Music Voice Pedagogy (Cologne University of Music Germany)
- BA (Hons) U.S.M. Penang, Malaysia
- Member of New York Singing Teachers’ Association
- Member of National Association of Singing Teachers
- Member of German Voice Teachers’ Association
For more information, click on the technical vocal coach’s homepage:
www.technicalvocalcoach.com (Chinese)
www.vocalprogress.com (English)