Where stories come to share a stage and be.
Revolution Stage will be housing Crossroads Theatre Show, where 4 productions will be sharing a stage and giving their all to perform to you their original stories. Crossroads celebrate local talent, original pieces and the human inclination towards the arts.
Happening in September, from the 20th to the 24th, 4 teams will perform 20-30 min pieces. Theatre being the primary form of performance art, what the teams do within that format is completely up to them. The Crossroads team hope to see new and creative approaches to the artform.
The current teams performing are Projek BB, Allnighter, and The Green-Eyed Monster
The fourth team will be a surprise. @MakhlukSeni’s Facebook page will host most of the information alongside teasers as to who will be the fourth team.
FB Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/142822932951730/