Presented by Guangdong Modern Dance Company (China)
Produced by Damansara Performing Arts Centre (DPAC) Choreographed by Liu Qi (China) “One of the big success stories of international dance…a pacesetter with a difference” — The New York Times “Full of meditative grace, sharp, cut-crystal physicality and languid dignity.” -The Washington Post “Powered by a beautiful mix of grace and testosterone.” -Houston Chronicle Beyond Calligraphy is one of the most popular repertoires of Guangdong Modern Dance Company. It was developed into a complete 2-episode evening program in 2011. Upon Calligraphy, Episode 1, has been one of its most successful productions. Since the debut performance in 2005, it has been performed more than 100 times around the world. It has also won awards for Liu Qi and the Guangdong Modern Dance Company for outstanding choreography, lighting design, performance, and production. Upon Calligraphy is a poem of movements, which is developed from the stylistic essence of different Chinese scripts. It comprises of five dances named after the five different script styles in Chinese calligraphy. The Washington Post describes it as “full of meditative grace, sharp, cut-crystal physicality and languid dignity.” Episode 2 Ink Wash Landscape, pays homage to the spiritual essence of ink wash painting. The development of linear logic in the original work, which comments on the cold, emotionless mode of communication in the digital era, is resolved in balance and harmony between water and ink. 关于《临池舞墨》 『国际舞蹈界成功的典范……与众不同的先驱者』—《纽约时报》 『充满沉静高雅的气韵,干净利落的肢体动作及从容不迫的尊严。』—《华盛顿邮报》 『优雅与爆发力的完美结合。』—《休斯顿编年报》 《临池舞墨》是广东现代舞团最受欢迎的保留剧目之一。它于2011年被发展成为分为上下两阕的完整制作。上阕《临池》提取出中国书法中甲骨、小篆、隶书、楷书、行草五种书体的行笔特征、力道和神韵精髓,演化出各具特质的肢体。《临池》是广东现代舞团最成功的舞码之一,自2005年首演以后,舞团携作品巡演全球逾百场。刘琦和广东现代舞团凭《临池》获得编舞、灯光设计、演出及制作的杰出奖项。下阕《山水》将中国山水画的精神追求移植到舞作中。以情致入微的体悟将宁静、超然、坦荡呈现于舞台。释躁平矝而返观内心。 Date/Time: 4th September 2017 (Mon),8.30pm 5th September 2017 (Tue), 8.30pm Performance Duration: 85 minutes with 1 intermissions, 15 minutes per intermission. Venue: Theatre, DPAC. Ticket Information: RM 78 (Dcard members)/ RM 88 (Normal) 2 In 1 Promotion*: RM 140 (Dcard members)/ RM 150 (Normal) *This promotion is good for one ticket for two performances including Boy Story by Unlock Dancing Plaza (Hong Kong) and Beyond Calligraphy by Guangdong Modern Dance Company (China). Applies to walk-in purchases or bank transfers only. To reserve seats, please contact us at +603 4065 0001, 4065 0002 / +6012 406 5020. Reservations are subject to availability at the time of booking. We will contact you via email within 24 hours. Contact us for full details. All tickets are inclusive of RM3.00 ticket handling fee and 6% GST. Facebook: Ticket Office: 1. Damansara Performing Arts Centre H-01, DPAC, Empire Damansara Jalan PJU 8/8, Damansara Perdana, 47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Tel: +60 3 4065 0001, 4065 0002 DPAC ticket entitles you to enjoy all our special savings* at DPAC’s Partners at Empire Damansara! The Promotions is running until 31st December 2017! So, please hold on to your DPAC tickets and take this fabulous opportunity (valid for a one-time use and a week from the performance date itself at any partnership restaurant or shop for each ticket)! T&C apply. |