The first official debut show for up-and-coming modern vocal trio, named Overnight Conversations (same as event title). Tickets for the 21 Dec Overnight Conversations debut show are RM60 per person.
[Official Post — ] [Link to Tickets — ]Overnight Conversations (group) was formed by its members – Kevyen Tan, Carmen Tan, and Loh Wai Sze (YC), music majors from UCSI University’s Institute of Music, choral enthusiasts of pop and jazz choir – Iridescent Voices, as well as active performers in the music scene. The group’s name came about to express the group’s intimate, warm aesthetics that mimic the idea behind ‘late-night conversations’, along with the intention in creating significant moments.
[Live Performances — ]Overnight Conversations‘s musical taste span across genres of R&B, folk, indie and soul. Similarly, the setlist for the 21 Dec Overnight Conversations debut show covers songs by artists such as Destiny’s Child, Yebba, FLO, Lizzy McAlpine, Ariana Grande, SWV and many more.