Refocus Your Energy With Tea – with Noel (The Caravan Tea)

In a world full of ever-changing variables, rituals are a much-needed constant. The routine nature of rituals isn’t something mindless – they are repetitive and repeated because it is easy to take them for granted; it is easy for us to forget their significance and meaning. Even if it is something as simple and everyday as tea.

A thousand-year heritage of the world, tea has evolved into a focal point of many food cultures around the world. And as digital progress powers the world into a hyperconnected future, the ritualistic art of tea tasting is an elegant reminder that we need to take the time to reconnect with ourselves and refocus our energies daily.

Which is what The Other School hopes to share more about via this SOP-compliant event with @noooel_nope , the founder of @thecaravan.tea . The event details are as below. Limited slots are available and sign-up is required. Book your slot and join us to learn how the cultural can help make our lives #meanMore !

Link to sign up

Sunday, 27 NOVEMBER 2021
11.00AM – 1.00PM
Reka-reka, 3rd floor of GMBB

Event Dates




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