(Overall view of visual art scene in Malaysia)


As an online extension to Wei-Ling Gallery’s Discussion Lab programme during the MCO, this forum questions how art can heal, effect social change, open up dialogues, adjust the way we see things, empower and transform. Through engaging with a good work of art one can feel connected to our senses. It makes the world feel felt. And if powerful enough, it can motivate us to think, engage, and even take action.

Trade, Ties, and Transformation: Stories on Textile and Modernity Symposium
Supriya Roy, Tagore Scholar from Kolkata, India gives us an account of Rabindranath Tagore’s encounter with Javanese batik and the subsequent spread of modern batik textile in India. During Rabindranath Tagore’s 1927 visit to Java and Bali, he recognised a Hindu culture that was perceived to have derived from India’s ancient civilisation. At the same time, Tagore and his companions were presented with many batik textiles, which forms the collection of the Nandan Museum today. These very textiles inspired the art of batik in Santiketan, where it became the centre of a revival of a modern batik textile tradition that spread all over India. Featuring Maria Wronska-Friend.
Part of the Trade, Ties, and Transformation symposium held on May 14 2016 at ILHAM Gallery with an introduction of the symposium by Simon Soon and Rahel Joseph.
This video is made available via a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. License does not extend to additional materials used in presentation, which copyright belong to their rightful owners.
The high resolution and uncompressed version of this video can also be viewed and obtained at ILHAM Gallery’s public resource centre.

Kok Yew Puah: Portrait of a Malaysian Artist – Conversation with Anurendra Jegadeva
Figurative painter and former arts journalist Anurendra Jegadeva talks about being influenced by Kok Yew Puah’s paintings and the ways in which they use “small narratives” to help us think about our place within bigger stories.
This video is made available via a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Source: ILHAM-211001-AnurendraJegadeva

Malaysian Art Series: Ivan Lam
Ivan Lam has never ceased to grow, develop, innovate, take risks and evolve in his career as an artist. He moves ever forward, always with conviction and boldness and carries with him a determination and self confidence that no one can ignore. His work ranges from screen-printing, graphic design and typography, to painting, sculpture, mix-media and performance art. Journey through his artistic career through this retrospective video we have compiled! Stay tuned for Part 2 of the video.

Bicara Seni Kita: Jejak Seni Malaysia
Alami & kenali ekosistem seni Malaysia.
Pemetaan seni visual di seluruh negeri di Malaysia yag berlandaskan ekosistem seni yang sedia ada. Pemetaan seni ini turut mengenalpasti karya awam, lorong seni, persatuan, komuniti dan kolektif seni, galeri, studio dan residensi.
Selain daripada itu juga, ianya juga turut mengenal pasti keberadaan servis operasi dan pengurusan seni yang telah terlibat secara langsung dan tidak langsung dalam pelantar seni visual negara.

Ibrahim Hussein ARKIB Short Documentary
A flashback into Ib’s journey as an artist, starting from his primary education up until his most prestigious award and recognition, as well as his contribution to the making of Ibrahim Hussein Museum and Cultural Foundation. These phases can be divided into 6 eras, from the 1950s to the 2000s.
Next New Wave
Next New Wave is an initiative aims to provide young Malaysian filmmakers an unprecedented platform to learn directly from renowned filmmakers in South East Asia region.

NO(W) SHOWING! – Segaris Art Centre
Segaris Art Center presents NO(W) SHOWING! in support of the COVID-19 Relief Fund. Click on the link below for the e-catalogue.

Possibilia presented by ARTO Movement
Possibilia is a philosophical term that describes objects that are possible. Any object is an existing object. A work of art is, in fact, a possibilium. It is an existing object made by an artist to serve an intended purpose.
For this exhibition, ARTO Movement invites artists to share anything that they have in mind – Possibilia as a platform for any possibility. We do not put any sort of restriction on the artists. In fact, artists are given the freedom to portray anything that they have in mind onto their artwork.

MONOCHROME – Artemis Art
MONOCHROME is a six-solo-in-one exhibition, a collaboration between
Artemis Art and Art Serpong Gallery, Indonesia. The exhibition is currently postponed
due to #COVID19 concerns. We continue our series of featured artists with Muhammad Yakin.

Art Goes On? Forum
Generating discussions on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on art practices and ecosystems in Malaysia, strengthening networks, and sharing ideas going forward.
If you have an online performance, articles, or any materials that do not have an expiration date, we urge you to submit to be featured on AsingBersama